Tuesday, June 13


Originally uploaded by b boy.
Talk about confusion reigning in the world of baby shops! No-one seems to know what is going on and I hate having to deal with incompetancy. After being told numerous different versions of the dramas with the car seat that would actually fit in my car (yes I know I bought a car that most would see as not baby friendly....), such as .....you need to give us 5 weeks to order one.....there are none available at the moment.....actually there will not be anymore at all as they stopped making it......actually they are now making a new one but we have no idea when it will be ready......it could be months and we have no idea, and I am a rep so I should know.....blah, blah, blah. Well the very next day, a public holiday no less, we drove past the Nundah baby shop and decided to see what their version of the story would be, and to our surprise they actually had one on the shelf!!! So I give you.....drum roll.....the compaq deluxe! At least it is not in one of those hideous colours and the best bit....They sold it to us at the price of the old version which is $50 cheaper. How could I ask for more.


Anonymous said...

Life is good. . . . what a relief!

Paul In London said...

I'll second that... But does the seat match the colour of the interior?!?!?

Dr Ben Cook said...

Let me tell you that in the world of baby restraints this is about as inoffensive as it gets. I am not sure of exactly which drugs the designers are taking when they come up with the fabric designs. I guess they think..well every parent needs a restraint so lets make them really ugly and they will have no choice but to still buy them.....(insert evil laugh here)