Sunday, April 27

Cheesecake munching on the cheesecake munching on the....

G explores a Paris Park
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Damn you .....Paul. That song is stuck in my head now!

And I'm only 18 months - I'm not ALLOWED to have cheesecake, unless it accidently crosses my path

Although this hasn't happened....YET

It is our final night in Paris. We farewelled ....Paul earlier in the evening. I got to have lots of fun with him, Mummy and Daddy today. He played some more muppet show DVDs this morning including that BLEEP song. He DID do lots of funny dances with me though, so that made up for the whole taunting small innocent appearing children with delicious dessert options thing.

I did say innocent APPEARING didn't I?

I had my usual mid morning nap after which we set off for the park as it was another beautiful spring day in Paris. When we got there I noticed that I was the ONLY one wearing a hat (even though I was the youngest - probably). None of those French kids wear hats! I felt a bit self conscious, even though I was trying to be very stylish in my small Paul shirt (it is a kind of uncle tribute shirt - hee hee hee, not saying you look like a monkey or anything ...Paul!). I made a fairly weak attempt at removing the hat but mummy kept shoving back onto my head.
So I gave in - I do have a family history of melanocytic lesions after all!

We walked over to this big building (crossing over a bridge to get to it) where there were a LOT of people with cameras. We seemed to fit right in because we had quite a few cameras too. Fortunately mummy's camera stopped working as she hadn't recharged her battery. This enabled me to benefit with lots of mummy cuddles and attention.

The three of us caught the train back to our apartment. Paul let me climb up TWO flights of stairs to our place - which was very exciting but a little tiring. Mick, Ailsa and Sophie visited us - so the parental units cracked open a bottle of champagne (again - sigh). Daddy said he wants to enjoy champagne every day he is in France - WHERE IS MY CHAMPAGNE HMMMM?
(The parental units try to fool me with squishey and water options, but I think there is something extra special about this champagne stuff.)

The rest of the evening has been spent packing - and trying to keep me away from the suitcases....

Don't know why that would be


Tomorrow - Mont St MIchel!

PS. Miss you Paul

Love, Grayson

1 comment:

Paul In London said...

Cheesecake gobble gobble cheesecake gobble gobble cheesecake...

Missing y'all too! Glad you are hitting the steps though Grayson!