Wednesday, April 16

Grayson at Hamley's

Grayson at Hamley's
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Day 3 in London - Mummy and Daddy with ....Paul bundled me up to go on a boat ride. This was great fun - the boat had lots of spots in many different colours all over it and we got to go past that great big wheel thing again. We stopped off at a place called the Tate Modern. Had lunch and then the real fun began....
We went to this place with even MORE toys than my bedroom
And there were FIVE FLOORS of them


I immediately went to the soft toy section, as they reminded me of my parents. Paul put me on this lovely horse, which I didn't want to get off because it made me an extra bit taller. Daddy was transfixed to some guy doing magic tricks whilst Mummy seemed to be racing around putting away stuffed toys that somehow or other got thrown onto the floor.

Hmmm. Wonder who could have done that.


It got even better when we went to the top floor where there were lots of cars and planes and things that FLEW in the air. Daddy and Paul thought the toy shop people were having a bit too much fun with all those flying things. Mummy made some comment that at least they were USING the flying things (mummy note - the remote control helicopter still sits in our storage unit, almost never used) I managed to hitch a ride in this big blue car, although I had to use my persuasive blue steel look to get the older woman out of the driver's seat.

Mummy made some comment about my similarity to Daddy, this seemed to make him smile...

After all this fun we had some tea (and I found some steps to climb up and down) then went home to the hotel for a good night's zzzzz. Off to Bath tomorrow. Not quite sure why we need to travel to go to Bath as we have a very nice Bath in our hotel room.

Strange place this.

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