Monday, April 21

A Grayson in Paris

Catching the metro
Originally uploaded by b boy.
I thought I would miss all the cool trains in London but they have equally cool trains here on something called the metro! I get really excited when I see them arrive and do the raising my hands in the air (whilst going woot woot woot) - which seems to be very amusing to all the people around me.
It seems to be a very kissy kissy city here, as strange women keep wanting to pinch my cheeks and kiss me too (I try not to make mummy too jealous).
The four of us arrived in Paris on Monday, settled in to our apartment (near this great big place called the Louvre) and then walked around exploring our neighbourhood.
Daddy had arranged for us to meet Uncle Mick and Aunty Ailsa later on that day - not to mention their tres jolie/belle daughter Sophie. I tried to do my usual moves on her but she didn't seem to be too interested... Hmmm. Memo to self, don't give the gifts TOO early - then I don't have a back-up plan.
But I digress....
After demonstrating to Uncle Mick what he needs to do to baby-proof a home (hee hee hee) I partook of some squishey and went off to sleep. I woke up a few hours later to find myself in a strange bed - naturally as I am a creature of habit I was a bit disturbed by all of this , and made my displeasure known. This elicited the correct response and I was bundled up and taken back to our apartment (via le metro)

Its good to keep the parents in line....

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