Thursday, April 24

Grayson does Versailles

G on the move pt 2
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Yes I have been a bit TARDY with the updates of late but I am getting used to the strange language (not to mention I am sleeping in until 8am or so!) and the even stranger bread options
Today we went to this big place with HEAPS of room for me to run around. Mick and Sophie came along too - but she had to stay in her pram.
Not me though....
I got to climb up a LOT of stairs and run around this room with all these sparkly lights and mirrors on the wall. I wanted to jump onto this big bed with funny looking white feathers on the top but mummy and daddy had to stop me.


Anyway, to make it up to me, they let me run all the way down the gardens at this place from the very top to the bottom. And I wasn't the LEAST bit tired.
In fact, I had a bit more of a run around until the parental units stuck me back in MY pram muttering something about getting too close to the water...


After a while in the pram the gentle rocking motion did make me a little bit snoozy so I had a nap, only to be woken up by some older children as we were walking through this big garden. There were lots of small houses and fishies in the pond, but I wasn't allowed out....


Daddy was a bit tired after all this so we jumped in a funny bus (which they kept calling a train - PLEASE, I know what a train is!)

We ended up going to a restaurant with Mick and Sophie at the end of the day. I was getting a bit grumpy as they wouldn't let me run around so the nice waiter gave me some bright coloured straws to play with.

In order to keep the parents in line I managed to do a bit of a whoopsy on the crowded train on the way back to our apartment...

Hee hee hee

That got them tending to my needs VERY quickly (although SSU said that the smell could have been mistaken for some french cheese....)

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