Wednesday, April 23

Grayson vs Louvre

Catching breath
Originally uploaded by b boy.
It was a bit of a cloudy day today, so we decided to spend some time at the Louvre. I found the day a little bit frustrating as mummy and daddy wouldn't let me run around too much (something about priceless artifacts or something)
We got to see a really big room with lots of people in it and some smallish painting which everyone wanted to take a photo of, then got to see a few other interesting things (such as a person made entirely of thumb tacks). Ouch.
I went off to sleep again, and when I woke up I found the parental units polishing off what seemed to be a very nice lunch.
I put on my best sad face so they shared their desserts with me.


Then the cute French lady gave me a big kiss when we left the restaurant...

Go Grayson! Go Grayson!

Unfortunately for the parental units, sugar for me = hyperactive Grayson so I needed to run around this big open space which had lots of steps....

I may have worn the mother unit out a bit.

Hee hee hee

We've had a night in tonight, so I am off to bed - Versailles tomorrow (hopefully!)


Love Grayson

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