Saturday, August 2

Grayson and Pa

Grayson and Pa
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Hey there again - G blogging (although it is getting a bit late). I have had QUITE a busy few weeks.

Where do I begin!

A few weeks ago this strange brown thing arrived - it looked like a much bigger version of my little piano (and it was much louder). Mummy seemed quite pleased and daddy keeps telling me to stop trying to scratch it/run into it/climb onto it - but it is really nice to climb up on as it makes lots of noises...

Soon after another strange brown thing arrived - mummy and daddy both seemed quite pleased (parental edit - our new couch). I found that one could climb up onto it too (tick) and it was nice and soft (double tick) and equally very good for bouncing around on - although I keep being told I shouldn't do that...


Mummy and Daddy BOTH stayed home last Monday - although I still had to go to day care. I arrived home with my grandparents to find the parental units a little bit tipsy after consuming a bottle of something at a very nice restaurant (Montrachet).
I was a bit POOKY as I wasn't allowed to go (mummy and daddy - seriously, taking danger mouse who can't sit still to a very nice french restaurant with no room to roam???). Mummy and Daddy made up for it that evening when Great Grandma (nanny), Uncle Ron and Grandma and Grandpa all came over to give mummy and nanny stuff wrapped in paper. They made me hand out the paper wrapped things, but I got pretty sick and tired of that quickly when I realised that none of the paper was for me!
(I did manage to nearly sneak into the chocolates however)
Unfortunately Great Grandpa had to go to hospital the Friday before for a tune up (or so I keep hearing). Mummy, Daddy and I visited him when he was in this nice place with a tv which had a lot of wires coming out of it and being attached to Pa (mummy and daddy - coronary care).
As you can see by the photo - Pa came out at the end of the week, so mummy and I went around to see him. I showed off my groovy grover Grayson dancing skills and ran around and around their place (wearing out Uncle Ron - hee hee hee). I tried feeding Nanny some of my pikey but she didn't seem to be too keen at being force fed pre-chewed pikeys. (I thought it was going to make things a bit easier for her to digest! Really!)

I also saw all of Daddy's relatives this week - we went down the coast on Sunday, then Nan and Gramps came up on Tuesday night. This was good as I got to eat CAKE! (I nearly missed out - after having milk squishey and getting into my PJs - I suddenly noted a delightful chocolate concoction being plattered and heated - YIPPEEEEEEE!)

But the BEST part of the week was....
Yes, I am now the proud owner of a BMW racing car - it is blue and white and I like to drive it out of our unit, down the lift and put it into mummy's car (which also happens to be new, and strangely she got it at the same time as I got mine....hmmm). Mummy has finally started driving her car as daddy reluctantly relinquished the keys.
Poor Daddy - no X5 driving for you!

And I haven't even mentioned the new iphones in our house...Maybe later!


1 comment:

Paul In London said...

Hmmm I really don't like the brown word...