Monday, April 17

D-Day Arrives!

Originally uploaded by b boy.
Today was Melinda's dad's birthday and was also the day we had bookmarked to let the parents in on our little secret. We had a have to have a plan...and it mostly went off without a hitch. The plan was this.....Let Don open his present....then let him open the card. The card was strategically picked and read on the front " Happy Birthday Grandad". This seemed to faze Don a little but we had a backup. Open the card Mel prompted. Inside we had cunningly placed a picture of Noodles from the 12 week scan. And if this was not enough of a hint Mel had also written a little spiel about the impending grandchild and it's due date etc etc....
This did the trick and Don seemed overjoyed at the news and was relatively speechless. What was really amusing was seeing the rest of the family wondering what the hell was going on and why was it taking him so long to read a card and man it must have had a really touching birthday greeting to make him cry!. The card was then passed to Carol and the rest of the family was quickly filled in on the news. From here we gave them all a tour of the nursery just in case they were not convinced. All in all it was not too bad but hey.... a couple of Greg's tallies seemed to help. Poor Mel had no such comfort to fall back on. All is now good and the family know. it remains to be seen just how they handle the next 6 months.


greg said...

Rember Ben you're drinking for 3 now. Keep up the good work - you need to get your beer credits now BEFORE noodles arrives.

Paul In London said...

Pink is the new pink eh?

melinda said...

inspired by you toots