Saturday, July 26

Mac Lover

Apple loving
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Grayson seems to have worked out what the laptop is all about. It is what he watches his DVD's on, listens to itunes so he can dance and looks at photos (mostly of himself)! Today we found G on the couch with my mac. He had climbed up, sat down and pulled the computer onto his lap. He even managed not to pull out the magsafe power cord. Not that it would be a problem as he can plug it back in himself.

Grayson's other great love (apart from mac's) this week seems to be pikies. Not the nomadic gypsies of the UK variety but the cooked by great-grandmother kind. As soon as he sees her coming down the hallway with tuperware container in hand, he says pikey, pikey, pikey.....until you give him one. And if you seem to be a bit slow in meeting his demands he might even throw in a "Pleeease!" for good measure. How can you resist that :)

Saturday, July 19

Comfort food

Muffin Man
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Hello again from Grayson, blogging because it makes some sort of weird sense in this crazy mixed up world we live in.
Why crazy you may ask?
Well, in the past week....

The unit we are renting was put on the market.
We are hopefully going to buy it.
But this means mummy and daddy need to be more fiscally responsible (I think this means they can't buy champagne all the time anymore)
Daddy seems a bit sad about this bit...
But it is EXCITING isn't it? We get to stay here for as long as we can manage the mortgage repayments!

Then this big brown wooden thing arrived and is in our living room.
It makes nice noises (well, depends who is playing it)
Daddy says it is mummy's birthday present - he had it brought up from Grandmas!
I like trying to play it then push the lid down upon my fingers - this seems to disturb the parent units so they put a key into it to lock it up...

So after a week of trying to budget, Daddy decided to make chocolate cupcakes with icing on them. Mummy brought out some berries to eat too but I wasn't going to be distracted by berries...
Not when there are CUPCAKES to be eaten
(although they only let me have one owing to the mess I proved I could make)

Next week - a new couch? a new car? a signed contract on our unit?

Or all three....

to be continued


Tuesday, July 15

Grayson platter

Grayson platter
Originally uploaded by b boy.
We went to the Science Centre at the Queensland Museum on the weekend. It was fun for the big kids as well as Grayson. So many buttons to press and places to run around, he loved it.

Here he has made a tasty looking Grayson platter out of himself.

Check out some of the other things he got up to on Flickr.

Saturday, July 5

Cookie Monster

Cookie Monster
Originally uploaded by b boy
A Grayson's work is never done. Here I am making cookies for the family - gingerbread cookies to be exact! I may have had a bit of help from the mother unit whilst the father unit cowered in the corning crying "..but the house was only cleaned YESTERDAY.."
Wisely after cutting out the teddy's and gingerbread men shapes I feigned sleepiness and got promptly whisked off to bed.
MWAH! I am good.
Now, off to eat some COOKIES