Thursday, June 29


This week has been frustrating due to the problems I have had with our wireless router. Basically it died on Saturday night leaving us without convenient access to the internet (and a broadband phone!). Adding insult to injury I couldn't connect to the internet when I plugged my laptop directly into the modem (due to a quirk of telstra and its cable login heartbeat). 40 frustrating minutes later and 4 transfers of my call within bigpond tech support to eventually find someone that knew something about macs, and I was at least able to access the net again. But without the router it was only 1 computer at a time and no home phone. Totally sucked!!!

Needless to say the next day I went and bought another router, the same one as it turns out and almost half the price now. Setting this up so it worked properly was almost as frustrating as my telstra experience but after having to upgrade the firmware and change the channel that the router was transmitting on things seem to working ok. I will need to keep my fingers firmly crossed I think. How did we ever cope in the days before mobile phones and when the commodore 64 was cutting edge?

The only lucky thing was that the old router was still in warranty by 1 month so they have now sent me a new one. I guess a backup will come in handy one day!

Monday, June 26

Cortina.....the restaurant not the car!

Last night we made a spur of the moment decision to have dinner at our local pizzeria. Mel had been called in to the Royale for some crispy patients that needed their burns operated on and hence had been in most of the day. On her way home at 7pm we decided to take the easy option for dinner and grab a table for 2 at Sebastiano's. Sebastiano is very interested in how things are going with Noodles and always asks when I go in to pick up a pizza. He welcomed us warmly on arrival and was glad we were going to be eating in so we could relax. He always tells Mel that she should not be working too hard and should be having a few red wines for the baby!

Not long after we sat down the waitress came over with a garlic pizza for us telling us that Sebastiano wanted us to have it so the baby would be happy! So thoughtful. After having our meal we were on our way out and was saying goodbye to Sebastiano when he said "have you had your coffee yet?". Of course we hadn't so he was insistent that we have one each. Mind you his coffee usually is more than just coffee with anything from Pernod to home made grappa from a fosters bottle added. For Mel he made a special pregnancy version which consisted of decaff espresso with about 3 drops of Pernod "just so you have the smell!" he says.

After finishing our coffees, Sebastiano once again reminding Mel not to work too hard and reiterated to us "it is going to be a boy you know!" (I think he says this to all pregnant women) I can't argue since he is actually right on this occasion. He did say the next one would be a little girl. NEXT ONE! We haven't even had this one yet!

Oh well, that was our pizza fix until probably Wednesday night when it will be time for another one.

Saturday, June 24

Funny Hats

Funny hats
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Friday was an extremely long and tiring day at work which wasn't helped by watching some of the socceroos game at 5.15am. I had to start work early and so was up earlier than usual. I decided that while I was getting ready I would watch some of the game. Unfortunately Mel wanted to sleep in to 6.30 but when Australia scored a goal from a penalty kick I must have let out an involuntary exclamation which woke her up. I was in serious trouble! But hey, it was a good game.

This photo was taken at the start of Melinda's theatre list in the afternoon. We should have taken another photo 7 hours later when it finished to compare it to. There certainly wouldn't have been any smiles in that one.

I guess the real question is.....would you trust these people to operate on you?!?!?!?

Thursday, June 22

Antenatal Classes....

Today I booked us in to the "parents to be" classes and the caesarian section class at the Wesley hospital. Apparently this is a good thing to do. There is also a breastfeeding class but I was told that I would not be allowed to go to this one! Discrimination I say. I would have behaved myself.....Really!

The parents to be class is usually 6 sessions over 6 weeks but the first 3 are all about how to spit the thing out "the natural way" so obviously we didn't need to sit in on a whole lot of women panting away (although.......nevermind). Anyway, I thought I could hear the slightest hint of disappointment in the women's tone (who was taking my booking) when I said we would be needing the C-section class. (What, you want to deprive yourselves the wonder and beauty of the way God intended your child to enter this world.....You won't feel whole and you haven't really given birth unless you have a vaginal birth you know....) Maybe I am just a little paranoid but they are mostly midwives after all. It does seem to be a touchy topic in the maternity world. I think childbirth should be added to the list of topics to be avoided at diner parties along with politics, sex and religion! At any rate we will be starting our classes in August.

Oh and today is also a momentous day as I made the final payment to the government for my HECS debt! Woo Hoo! Now I can start racking up the debt for my Masters.

Tuesday, June 20


Originally uploaded by b boy.
I came across this little fella today and couldn't resist taking him home.

Beer me!

On the weekend Mel and I spent some time with Greg, Cheryl and Felix. The purpose for the visit was to make some beer. Greg and I attempted to recreate a hoegaarden witbier. Time will tell how successful we were. Quite involved really with all the crushing of coriander and peeling of orange rind. Mel and Cheryl got to entertain Felix while the beer was being made. Next time I think Felix will have to help out with the beer. Never too early to learn the finer points of beer (just so long as he doesn't drink it until he is 18)!

Saturday, June 17


Tonight we went to have dinner at a relatively new restaurant at Bulimba called Tonic. It is at the end of Oxford street so has a view of the river but not much to see at night though. It would be a better view for a Sunday Breakfast. Not bad food overall and it was fairly busy tonight but the service was pretty good...which is a rarity in Brisbane these days it would seem. Still only BYO but I assume they are applying for a license. We will try to get a few more dining out experiences in before Noodles arrives. There are still some restaurants we would like to try. Might go to Bespoke next time!

Our little man!

Noodles must be doing his exercises because he seems to be getting stronger each day. Last night I was dozing when I felt some little kicks in my back. With Mel asleep next to me and her belly resting against my back, Noodles obviously wanted some attention. "daddy, are you awake? I want to play, wake up and pay attention to me!" A sign of things to come no doubt!

Thursday, June 15

More of the same.....

Not much to report from the last 2 days. The next doctors visit is about 3 weeks away so between now and then it is pretty much more of the same. Apart from the ever expanding belly-o-baby! Things are on track and we have just about got everything we need or at least have them on order. I did take advantage of the nappy sale and bought some "boy" nappies. Apparently they have the absorbant bit in a different spot to the girl nappies. I wonder if the sale of disposable nappies is increasing with the water crisis in SEQ. It must use a lot of water washing cloth nappies all day. I also tried to find some of the Dick Bruna books in QBD but they didn't have any. Oh well, I am sure I will find some in the next 4 months. We will not be deterred!!!

Tuesday, June 13


Originally uploaded by b boy.
Talk about confusion reigning in the world of baby shops! No-one seems to know what is going on and I hate having to deal with incompetancy. After being told numerous different versions of the dramas with the car seat that would actually fit in my car (yes I know I bought a car that most would see as not baby friendly....), such as need to give us 5 weeks to order one.....there are none available at the moment.....actually there will not be anymore at all as they stopped making it......actually they are now making a new one but we have no idea when it will be could be months and we have no idea, and I am a rep so I should know.....blah, blah, blah. Well the very next day, a public holiday no less, we drove past the Nundah baby shop and decided to see what their version of the story would be, and to our surprise they actually had one on the shelf!!! So I give you.....drum roll.....the compaq deluxe! At least it is not in one of those hideous colours and the best bit....They sold it to us at the price of the old version which is $50 cheaper. How could I ask for more.

Monday, June 12

Baby Care 101

Today we were guests at the Jenkins' household for morning tea and lunch. We were entertained by Felix who was on his best behavior and particularly cute in his cheeky monkey hat. I think I am getting baby lessons by stealth as not long after we arrived I was given the task of feeding Felix. Luckily there was a bottle with some milk in or I would have been in trouble! Although my man boobs are a B cup, they definitely are non-functioning. It seemed to go well and I even managed to elicit a rather satisfying burp that would have made Barny proud. Later, after the feed made its way to the other end, it seemed that I was in need of pooey nappy lessons. This also proceeded incident free......thank God.....and I can now say I have survived my first pooey nappy. Woo Hoo! I wonder what other skills I will pick up on our next visit to see the Jenkins'.


Originally uploaded by b boy.
One of those other small purchases at Crabtree. I am now remembering the Dick Bruna books from my childhood. Miffy was his first character he wrote about back in 1955. I guess we will have to get some of those books for Noodles.

Sunday, June 11


Originally uploaded by b boy.
On the continuing theme of new baby products, Dad and Karen were kind enough to buy us the baby bjorn rocker. We also bought a few other bits and pieces at Crabtree and Evelyn while down the Coast. Still no word on the car seat from the manufacturers. We will see what they have to say for themselves at the Baby Expo in a few weeks time.

Baby Bump!

Baby bump
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Well you asked for it....well at least Paul asked for here it is! The first photo of the baby bump in evolution. This was taken on our weekend away at the Palazzo Versace for our 6th anniversary. It was a rather stylish hotel and provided all the ritz that you would expect from a 5 star hotel that calls itself a 6 star. So what makes it a special place to stay? Well all the usual things such as big spa bath in the room, well stocked minibar, turn down service at night and nice bath robes. But also the little things like a complimentary shoe shine service, just about any newspaper from around the world if you like and even the choice of 5 differnet kinds of pillow. They give you a list of all the types and you can call for housekeeping to bring them up for you. I guess some people prefer 95% duck down than the usual 70%. Choices, choices! Oh, and although I didn't think to get a photo of it, the 750kg crystal chandelier in the foyer that Versace bought from the Milan state library, but never got around to putting into one of his homes, is really quite impressive. And for those interested in more trivia the pebble mosiac that lines the driveway is apparently the second largest in the world second only to the one in the parliament in Rome. You can see more photos on the Flickr site.

Wednesday, June 7

Status Quo

Not much happening on the baby front at the moment. For the next month it will be more of the same....Mel complaining about the size of the belly and Noodles giving her a good kick in protest. This is Noodles' rapid growth phase and Mel can expect the "balloon" under her clothes to be expanding at an un-natural rate! About time she started to look pregnant I say. No doubt there will be some photos that I will sneak on the blog of the belly when it is a bit bigger....if Mel doesn't delete them first.

Baby clothes seem to be arriving by mail from time to time which makes me worry about Mel's credit card limit! Not that I can talk as I have given mine a fairly hard workout of late.....First baby syndrome I think!

Last day at work for me today before 6 days off.....woo hoo! I am looking forward to those 7 course degustation dinners at the Versace on the weekend. Better take the loose pants I think.

Monday, June 5


Originally uploaded by b boy.
The trip to the doctors went well today and Karen was very happy with how things were going. We decided to do a growth and well being scan at the 30 week mark just so we can be sure everything is heading in the right direction.

After finishing with the doctor we stopped in at the maternity store on the ground level and Mel picked up some clothes for the big belly. It was really cool because they have fake bellies to put on so you can see what you will look like (and how the clothes will fit) when you are furhter along. Mel looked quite cute with a 40 week belly. We also couldn't resist the 10% discount the lady offered for the Oi Oi nappy bag (see Flickr). Yes I know we already have one but most people we have spoken to say you need two so who am I to argue.

On the way home we also stopped at a little toy store at Clayfield which seems to have some good old fashioned toys and hence the wooden rattle in the photo.

Sunday, June 4


Mel has taken a week off from the Royále so she can chill out a bit. I will still be working but will take Friday off so we can spend the weekend at the Palazzo Versace for our 6th wedding anniversary. We have been told by friends that we should have as many weekends away as possible with just the 2 of us before Noodles arrives. So what better way to start than a stay with Versace. Mel also has us penciled in for a weekend at Peppers Spicers Peak for her birthday in July. It should be totally indulgent and I can't wait to try out the 24 hour cocktails brought to your room (I am sure I will feel like Homer when he went to stay with Auncky Herb and he would order pork chops in the middle of the night just because he could).

On other baby news we finally got to order the cot but I don't know yet how long it will take to arrive. I will probably need to take it home in a few trips as we are also getting the change table with it and the delivery isridiculouslyy expensive considering we only live around the corner from DJ's. I knew I should have gotten the X3!

We also see the Obstetrician tomorrow for another routine check. Things are seeming to go quite quickly now that we can feel Noodles kicking away all the time. Next stop...the Brisbane Baby Expo in a few weeks!

Thursday, June 1

Another busy week...

Originally uploaded by b boy.
I have been meaning to get to the blog each day since Monday but have gotten distracted each time. Les came up on Tuesday and we went to Bunnings (whenever we get together we always seem to find an excuse to go to Bunnings!) and I decided we needed a collapsable clothes line for the garage so we can dry all the baby clothes (it seems most of the little suckers can't be put in the dryer). After getting home and starting to install the said clothes line, we ran into a small snag. The instructions failed to mention that if you use the bottom hole to bolt the brace to the wall the strut won't be able to swing this had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that it was Les and myself installing was the instructions fault I swear!!! So after trying to modify the design with a hacksaw, and finding that the hacksaw probably should have stayed in the tool box, we decided that the only thing to do guessed it...go back to Bunnings. After getting what we needed, and resisting the sausage sizzle this time, we managed to finish the job with the minimum of fuss. Easy really, when you know what you are doing!

Apart from the excitement of the clothesline, Mel and I have been working or doing the rounds of the winter sales. Today we bought the Baby Bjorn carrier and a few more clothes. Oh and we finally ordered the cot. Just have to wait for it to arive now. There is a picture of the baby carrier on Flickr.