Thursday, June 22

Antenatal Classes....

Today I booked us in to the "parents to be" classes and the caesarian section class at the Wesley hospital. Apparently this is a good thing to do. There is also a breastfeeding class but I was told that I would not be allowed to go to this one! Discrimination I say. I would have behaved myself.....Really!

The parents to be class is usually 6 sessions over 6 weeks but the first 3 are all about how to spit the thing out "the natural way" so obviously we didn't need to sit in on a whole lot of women panting away (although.......nevermind). Anyway, I thought I could hear the slightest hint of disappointment in the women's tone (who was taking my booking) when I said we would be needing the C-section class. (What, you want to deprive yourselves the wonder and beauty of the way God intended your child to enter this world.....You won't feel whole and you haven't really given birth unless you have a vaginal birth you know....) Maybe I am just a little paranoid but they are mostly midwives after all. It does seem to be a touchy topic in the maternity world. I think childbirth should be added to the list of topics to be avoided at diner parties along with politics, sex and religion! At any rate we will be starting our classes in August.

Oh and today is also a momentous day as I made the final payment to the government for my HECS debt! Woo Hoo! Now I can start racking up the debt for my Masters.


greg said...

hmm that's odd - i went along to our breastfeeding classes no problems (there were no practical examples anyway)

Dr Ben Cook said...

Nope. Mel signed up this week and they expressly forbode me from partaking! (excuse the pun) :(