Wednesday, June 27

Grayson does the Hunter Valley

RAH! Tis the Grayson monster updating once again on my most recent exciting adventure. Well, it was a little different to what we usually do on the weekend (insert pointed stare at the parents who either stay at home or drag me off to where they work)....
Mummy had to go to a conference so we stayed at this nice place with cable tv
aaaah cable tv....
ok, enough of that
and a golf course and a breakfast buffet and TWO big beds (and a cot too, but let me tell you I wasn't going to spend too much time in that, not when a KING SIZE BED was available!)
On Saturday afternoon, Daddy drove Mummy and two of mummy's friends around to all these places where there were a lot of very happy (and LOUD) people who seemed to use a lot of glassware. Mummy and her friends started using a lot of glassware too, filled with some sort of fluid. I wasn't too interested as it was not in my favourite colour - squishey colour that is. We went to three of these places, with mummy and her friends getting a bit giggly as the afternoon wore on. Daddy and I shared a few resigned looks at this stage, but I think I got the better end of the deal, as all three were giving me lots of cuddles.
The next day, daddy, mummy and I went to a few more of these places, the picture shows me trying to show some interest in the whole process... I was more excited by the cheese and crackers! (YUMMY) But soon we had to go back to the airport and fly home, as mummy was muttering something about having to work - it did sound like something that grown up people do. I was a bit more awake this time for the plane flight and got to see lots of bright lights when we landed in Brisbane. Mummy and daddy seemed pretty happy with me again as I got lots of cuddles and kisses when we left the plane (not like that noisy baby that was on the opposite seats to us!)
Mummy tells me we are going on a longer plane flight in a few months time (somewhere called Perth), and that this time she has booked me my own seat! Its all very very exciting.

Tuesday, June 26

That's a big boat mummy!

That's a big boat mummy!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Hello again, its me - Grayson - reporting again from G central with news of my exciting adventures over the past few days.
(insert HURRAH for Grayson here)
Well, let me tell you, the past few days have been lots and lots of fun.
Late last week, mummy and daddy bundled me up in lots of clothes and took me to a place called the airport. I was getting a bit confused at this stage, as there were lots of people and noise around, but as mousie, mummy and daddy were all there it was ok. We then got on this big metal thing called a plane and..... hmmm can't remember what happened after that, must have fallen asleep or something.
When I woke up, mummy and daddy seemed rather pleased with me and gave me lots of cuddles. We then had to leave the plane and BRRRRRR! It was really really cold! Daddy kept me nice and warm until we got inside. We stayed the night at a hotel and I got to sleep with mummy and daddy as I may have been a LITTLE bit sick in my cot...
The next day we went out to see this big boat which must have lost its way or something as it was really close to where we were standing. I held onto mummy at this stage as there were a lot of people around and lots of big waves were going over the boat too.
More updates soon about my first visit to the Hunter Valley, how I managed to sneak into the big bed on BOTH nights and my first experience at wine tasting.

Tuesday, June 19

My best sad face

My best sad face
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Mummy and daddy tried to feed me some cream cheese sandwiches! I wasn't too sure about them so tried to make them feel sorry for me with my sad face. They also have been feeding me something called antibionics or something like that for my sore ear :( Sometimes it's hard being the Grayson!

Wednesday, June 13

Are our roads safe?

Cycling Seb
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Maybe not with Seb on them!!

Today we went for a ride over the new Green Bridge at UQ. It somewhat shortens the traditional river loop but that is ok by me until I find my cycling legs! I know I left them around here somewhere :)

After stopping off for a coffee at the end of our ride (Caffeine Espresso, 100 metres down the road) we set off for home. As we were about to turn down Florence street some old guy in a Toyota echo (or similar) turned into the street in front of us without paying us due attention. Well, that was like showing a red flag to a bull as far as Seb was concerned. He of course started to chase him down on his (or rather Les's) bike. Nice effort I must say! He caught him about 50 metres later waving a fist toward his window before pulling his bike in front of his car and unclipping himself from his peddles preventing the driver's egress. He then proceeded to have a few words with the guy and as I rode past I heard something about how the driver's total lack of road awareness would get some child killed one day! Vintage Seb I thought :)

A couple of guys standing up the road watching seemed suitably impressed. I mean all bad driving on the old guys part aside, I feel kind of sorry for him......image if you were confronted by a raving lunatic wearing a Bert and Ernie jersey on a quiet suburban street. But the best part was the drivers first response when he responded, "Did I do something wrong?". I think this just made the whole situation worse!

Bert and Ernie jersey ........................................... 50 Euro
A double strength latte for a caffeine boost ............ 3.20 AUD
Seeing a thin man with hairy legs wearing a Bert and Ernie jersey going into a caffeine rage and chasing down some old guy in a car to debate the road rules............................Priceless!

Monday, June 11

Grayson of many hats!

Grayson of many hats
Originally uploaded by b boy.
He obviously likes trying on daddies hats. Today, after many, many months of cycling inactivity Seb and I went for a ride. Woo Hoo! I think the last time I rode was before Mel got pregnant so it has been awhile! Anyway to save you all from a photo of Seb and I in our nicks and jerseys with hairly legs, I decided to put up this one of Grayson getting aquainted with some cycling kit! He looks better in it than I do :)

Sunday, June 10

This is my best home boy look

This is my best home boy look
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Master G is in da house!

The things I have to put up with....just wait until I get more mobile and then I will get my own back :)

Apparently today is a special day for mummy and daddy....something about surviving 7 years with each other!!! So first thing this morning when I managed to convince mummy to bring me into bed with them I decided to give them a celabratory poo! Not just any poo...this was a special poo running out the sides of my pants :) Well I didn't have anything else to give them but I am sure they appreciated it.

After cleaning me up the parental units took me for a walk along the floating river walk. Quite a nice view really from the bugaboo. When we all got thirsty we stopped at the Venice Cafe for some squishy and pancakes but mum wouldn't let me have any of the pancakes.

The grandparents are coming up tonight so mummy and daddy can go out for dinner to some fancy restaurant. I guess I will have to stay home and eat my red lentils again :(

Keep it real homies, I'll catch you on the flip side!

Friday, June 8

Friday Lunch

Lunch in the Valley
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Today was a sunny day after a few days rain. It also had a crisp winter wind. So what could be better for lunch than some freshly made Manhatten Chowder and crusty bread from Fresh Fish Co at the James Street Markets? Well today just about anything because they didn't have any! You see yesterday I noticed that they had it on their menu and it sounded so good that we decided to give it a go today. But no chowder today...maybe tomorrow. Well that wasn't helping us.....we were hungry NOW! So we wandered over to the ever popular Harveys to see what they had on offer. No chowder .... but a very nice duck soup! They also had a nice chocolate salbe for dessert (see Flickr). After lunch we strolled home with Grayson asleep in the bugaboo.
Maybe Chowder tomorrow!

Thursday, June 7

I may have been sick but...

Sleepy G
Originally uploaded by b boy.
I still know how to exert my dominance over the household.

A few cries, at choice times of the night and a well timed cough or two, then I get taken into the BIG bed... Let me tell you, that is where ALL the fun begins.
Not to mention I get a pillow, mummy and daddy cuddles within an arm's radius and cuddles on tap.
This being sick gig is paying dividends!
The downside is that mummy seems to be sick too. Hmm must try to develop an immune system so I get better (and bigger - currently 11.7kg and climbing!).

I try... It is sometimes hard being the Grayson you know...



Saturday, June 2

Hey man, don't mess with the do!

Hey man, don't mess with the do!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
What do you do after you child vomits his entire stomach contents over his mother, the couch, himself and the cat? Ok so we don't have a cat but you get the picture! Well you get your own back by giving him funny hairsytles, photographing them and publishing them on the blog..........

Friday, June 1

Is this the new bugaboo Dad?

Is this the new bugaboo Dad?
Originally uploaded by b boy.
What do you do when the bugaboo is full of fruit and veg? Find Grayson a new ride! Unlike some of the rides on cable TV this one has niether been pimped or overhauled! Just your garden variety shopping trolley. He was quite content sitting in the trolley for the 20 minutes of our weekly shop. He was most bemused by another child sitting in a similar position but throwing a tanty. I just hope he wasn't taking notes!