Wednesday, June 27

Grayson does the Hunter Valley

RAH! Tis the Grayson monster updating once again on my most recent exciting adventure. Well, it was a little different to what we usually do on the weekend (insert pointed stare at the parents who either stay at home or drag me off to where they work)....
Mummy had to go to a conference so we stayed at this nice place with cable tv
aaaah cable tv....
ok, enough of that
and a golf course and a breakfast buffet and TWO big beds (and a cot too, but let me tell you I wasn't going to spend too much time in that, not when a KING SIZE BED was available!)
On Saturday afternoon, Daddy drove Mummy and two of mummy's friends around to all these places where there were a lot of very happy (and LOUD) people who seemed to use a lot of glassware. Mummy and her friends started using a lot of glassware too, filled with some sort of fluid. I wasn't too interested as it was not in my favourite colour - squishey colour that is. We went to three of these places, with mummy and her friends getting a bit giggly as the afternoon wore on. Daddy and I shared a few resigned looks at this stage, but I think I got the better end of the deal, as all three were giving me lots of cuddles.
The next day, daddy, mummy and I went to a few more of these places, the picture shows me trying to show some interest in the whole process... I was more excited by the cheese and crackers! (YUMMY) But soon we had to go back to the airport and fly home, as mummy was muttering something about having to work - it did sound like something that grown up people do. I was a bit more awake this time for the plane flight and got to see lots of bright lights when we landed in Brisbane. Mummy and daddy seemed pretty happy with me again as I got lots of cuddles and kisses when we left the plane (not like that noisy baby that was on the opposite seats to us!)
Mummy tells me we are going on a longer plane flight in a few months time (somewhere called Perth), and that this time she has booked me my own seat! Its all very very exciting.

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