Sunday, June 4


Mel has taken a week off from the Royále so she can chill out a bit. I will still be working but will take Friday off so we can spend the weekend at the Palazzo Versace for our 6th wedding anniversary. We have been told by friends that we should have as many weekends away as possible with just the 2 of us before Noodles arrives. So what better way to start than a stay with Versace. Mel also has us penciled in for a weekend at Peppers Spicers Peak for her birthday in July. It should be totally indulgent and I can't wait to try out the 24 hour cocktails brought to your room (I am sure I will feel like Homer when he went to stay with Auncky Herb and he would order pork chops in the middle of the night just because he could).

On other baby news we finally got to order the cot but I don't know yet how long it will take to arrive. I will probably need to take it home in a few trips as we are also getting the change table with it and the delivery isridiculouslyy expensive considering we only live around the corner from DJ's. I knew I should have gotten the X3!

We also see the Obstetrician tomorrow for another routine check. Things are seeming to go quite quickly now that we can feel Noodles kicking away all the time. Next stop...the Brisbane Baby Expo in a few weeks!


Paul In London said...

Ok this news is sounding a lot more promising than future baby washing!

melinda said...

which bit - the Stokke purchasing or the fact we are doing some rather extravagant weekends away...
