Tuesday, May 16

Further blows to my masculinity...and other interesting news!

Day 1 of the conference, or to be more precise 75th Annual Scientific Congress, and it was time to register. Melinda had decided to register me as an associate...for a small fee...which meant that I was able to attend her presentation (or any others for that matter), socialise with the other associates and probably be able to claim some of the trip as a tax deduction!

At the registration desk we got our ID badges and then had to pickup the satchels of conference related materials. They gave Mel an overnight size bag filled with mostly conference info and pens etc. Then just as we were about to leave the girl behind the desk said that I got to take a bag as well. But this was not one of the delegates bags...this was an associates bag! A fetching grey musette style bag with the ubiquitous image of the harbour bridge in a white ken done like reproduction. Not a bad looking bag really, although I am not sure that I would really get the opportunity to use it, but hey... who is complaining. Not me...not yet. I don't know what it is exactly that make surgeons (at least the older school) think they are still in the 1950's. Not all surgeons are men and therefore not all surgeons' partners are WOMEN! I might be taking it a little personally but really, a bag filled with nail polish, shampoo, lip stick and cut and blow-dry vouchers, kind of makes it hard not to!!! Oh well, I guess they must have seen me the night before with my handbag as just kind of figured that was my style.

Day 2 came, and having gotten over the whole lip stick thing (which by the way looked quite good on Mel), we went over to the conference so Mel could present her paper. Let's just say all went well. At least I thought it did. Melinda, starting to lose her voice at the worst possible moment, was worried that she sounded like a 1 900 phone operator. Could only have helped I would have thought. Anyway she survived and feeling quite unwell we once again retired to our room sans ice cream this time :(

Anyway in far more interesting news, after many weeks of thinking we could feel little Noodles moving around (but not really being sure..after all gas can feel remarkably like a baby we have decided) I had my hand on the bump and at the same time both Melinda and me felt something that we are most certain was Noodles!! Momentous moment for all involved. It makes it even harder to wait now for the next scan which is only in another 6 days. We will be back in Brisvegas tomorrow and be able to continue our adventures in more familiar surrounds.

1 comment:

greg said...

Glad to see you're finally getting in touch with your feminine side!