Monday, September 18


This is my first attempt at publishing a movie to our blog! The camera work is very amateur and the editing is even worse. Be warned that this will be 2 and a half minutes of your life that you will never be able to have again!


cheryl said...

Cool! I've been checking out youtube to try and get ours up, didn't think they were supported by flickr? Are they uploaded to blogger?

Paul In London said...

Youtube would be a quicker load but lesser quality I believe...

But who was the music by?

Paul In London said...

Oh and great little movie... Like the fire and the shot of you know who... Although where was the director in the film?!?!?

Dr Ben Cook said...

Cheryl, I uploaded our .mov to my iDisk which is hosted by apple. The embedded player in the blog essentially just points to the location of the movie on iDisk.

Paul, The music is "heartbeats" by José González. The Director was too busy being the cameraman to be infront of the camera :)