Friday, October 27

First dining out experience (at night)

First dining out experience
Originally uploaded by b boy.
We decided to start Grayson's culinary education with a trip to the local pizzeria. As young Master Cook hasn't quite got into solids yet, he was content with some freshly squeezed milk (did I mention - OUCH), whilst his parents consumed some fine Italian fare.
It seemed to be the night for babies as there were several scattered throughout the restaurant. The parents of the one behind us were surprised that Grayson was only 3 and 1/2 weeks, as he was about twice as big as their 8 week old...
Well, our little man is getting through over a litre of milk product a day, is almost out of his 0000 onsies and is eyeing off the next size nappies.

Must lay off the growth hormone supplements...


1 comment:

Paul In London said...

Was this Cortina Pizza at Nundah? Looks like the little monster enjoyed his time there... ;-)