Sunday, October 29

Sunday Markets

His second favourite pastime!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
We went down to the relatively new Northside Markets today for a bit of a look. We have missed living in Teneriffe for the Farmers Markets that are on at the Power House so thought maybe we might have a substitute closer to York Street. Well, they are in their early days (and they tend to include arts as well as food unlike the Power House version), but there was certainly a fair amount of fruit and veg and at least one good looking meat truck. Next time we shall have to get there earlier if we want to buy the produce as the sun tends to make the food look a little tired.

We then went for a stroll up to Queenie's for tea and scones, where we happened upon Rae, Quinn and their new baby girl Madison (born the day before Grayson) before taking the long way home and enjoying the time outdoors. All this left the little man suitably tired and hence he made himself comfy on the couch!

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