Tuesday, November 14

Grayson knows boats!

Oohhh! that's a big boat daddy!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Yesterday we got our coffee and cake fix down at the relatively new Portside Wharf precinct. This is the upgrade to the cruise ship terminal in Hamilton (much nicer than disembarking in the middle of a run down industrial estate). Our destination was Cream Patisserie and Boulangerie where we partook in decadent lemon curd tarts and strawberry flans. Grayson stuck to his formula (sucker!). There happened to be a big boat parked out the back (yes I realise I have probably offended the seamen...or seawomen...out there with my appauling ignorance to the correct boatological terminology but hey...the title is Grayson knows boats not Ben knows boats).

Anyway the boys were suitably impressed with the size of the life boats let alone the floating city they were attached to. Mel on the other hand could not see what all the fuss was about. I guess interest in anything big and motorised is a guy thing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Chill toots it's a guy thing... Just wait until you have to watch the trains... And the planes... And the automobiles...