Thursday, December 14

Grayson with Santa!

Grayson with Santa
Originally uploaded by b boy.
We headed to DJ's to see Santa today. As you can see Grayson was SOOOOOO excited :) I think Mel was just pleased he didn't puke or poo on Father Christmas. A bit hard to explain brown stains on the white beard!!! If Grayson did ask Santa for something for Christmas I believe it was probably milk squishies.......his favourite!
This is a photo of a photo so doesn't have a very good resolution.

After escaping the clutches of the bearded one we dropped Mel at work and headed for the Jenkins'. Grayson and Felix had a good time playing. Felix was giving him little kisses on his cheek.......but I suspect it was all a ploy to get close enough so he could suck his nose! Very cute......or weird depending on your personal preferences :)

1 comment:

cheryl said...

It looks more like he is asking for his 2 front teeth to me!