Wednesday, May 16

Grayson's many faces of salmon... a series


Sometimes it is hard being the Grayson.
I mean, look at my parents....
Mother wants to go off and operate on people at a moment's notice and father keeps putting on silly glasses and saying how much he loves his Heine (pronounced hine-knee)
Sounds nasty...
But anyway, the latest news is the parental attempts at testing my gag reflex with more solid food (one incident at the Jenkins place comes to mind - I am a muffin man in THEORY mother!!!) have come to naught, apart from a delicious example that I MUST espouse upon. It was pink, and soft and tasted simply delicious. Mother, feed me more, I will be yours forever...

edit: the mother's response - Grayson - the stretchmarks left behind from your little stay at Chez Melinda are a permanent reminder of your soujourn... You OWE ME!

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