Sunday, July 15


Originally uploaded by b boy.
Tis me again, Grayson monster (well, that is what I seem to be called a LOT these days) - and as you can see, I have been practising my monster roars.... this time on the beach (I haven't been to one before, as the mother unit keeps worrying about familial history of melanocytic lesions or something.... see daddy, I do pay attention to those big words you like to use)
We took that strange man staying in our spare room to the beach and to see the Q1 tower as he seemed to like that sort of thing. The view seemed rather interesting and everything beneath us was quite small. The parent units and the strange man all sat down afterwards to buy some funny looking drinks and feed me the usual squishey and smug infant food. I was more interested in the cheese and crackers on their plate, so I helped myself to some of that too.
The strange man (ok, I will call him by his real name.... Just.... Paul)

insert cheeky g look here - MWAH

wanted to go to a "beach" so we went to this giant sand pit with lots of strange creatures walking in and out of the water. I was a bit perturbed by this at first and found great solace in the mother unit who explained to me that everything was ok, the strange creatures were actually people dressed in silly outfits (I can't talk, see what they put me into half the time) and that in summer time we can go swimming in the water. Hmmm. It didn't sound too bad after that so I started having a bit of fun jumping up and down and getting sand over all my clothes.

All too soon we had to go home, and drop ....Paul off at the airport so he could fly to other exciting destinations.

I am trying to be a good baby, but sometimes it is hard being the Grayson. I can stand up and wobble a bit now, and I have developed an unstoppable yearning to know all about.... power cords, giant TVs, DVD players, remote controls, water patches on the outside balcony, the vacuum cleaner, what really goes on behind my change table and those canisters that sit beside the toilet containing rolls of paper and funny brushes (that are a lot bigger than the one mummy uses on her hair)

Or is that...

heh heh heh


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