Sunday, February 17

Qantas club lounge fruit toast

Qantas club lounge fruit toast
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Well after a nice long sleep (it must have been the pink pyjamas...) mummy and daddy bundled me up this morning and took me to this place. I may have been a little too helpful with the packing - I tried to take a few clothes out (mummy ALWAYS overcompensates in the garment department) but the parental units didn't seem too happy.
We seem to have settled in here for another hour or so - it pays to be prepared, and then we fly off to Sydney. Gramps and Nan are coming along too, although we won't meet them until this evening.
Hmmm. I do believe they have brought out the cheese and ham options. Excuse me, there is some consuming to be done.


1 comment:

Dr Ben Cook said...

In case people are wondering, we haven't bought G pink PJ's but rather when we were over at Emma and Sarah's house we stayed a little longer than planned so all three had a bath and we weren't prepared for PJ's so G borrowed some of the girls stuff. Not too girly but the bubble bath did make him smell like strawberries :)