Saturday, November 8

Fireman G

Fireman G
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Well the mother unit keeps telling me I need to be careful around fires and all that sort of stuff. Now I have my own FIRETRUCK I can hopefully be USEFUL in the event of something nasty like that happening.
The firetruck was a late birthday present from Mama Diana but presents are always very much appreciated in the Grayson household. Presents or cake (or champagne - mummy and daddy edit) I am trying to set a new trend by wearing matching PJs!

Other news to tell? Well, it looks like mummy and daddy will have to rein in their champagne buying habits a little bit as we have bought the unit we have been renting for the last year and a half. Well, the contract is just about unconditional.
So what exactly does this mean for me?
Well, I finally get my name up on my room's door again, and my dotti stickers are up on the mirrored doors AND the parents are talking about converting the spare bedroom into my playroom so they can reclaim their lounge room again.
Yeah mum and dad - I love your optimism with that.
After all, Christmas is just around the corner - MWAH!

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