Thursday, July 23

Long time no blog - so here is a man in a funny hat...

"Things that mummy, daddy and Grayson have done this year" by Grayson A Cook (2years and 10 months - give or take a day)

Stalked Lance Armstrong and got his autograph
Watched Wendy get married (well, mummy and daddy did)
Go to a fancy champagne dinner and stupidly agree to photo being taken which ends up in a rather prominent place in the social pages of the Courier Fail, whoops Mail. And also ends up in prominent places where mummy and daddy work...
See Coldplay and have them play less than 2 metres away from where we were sitting, even though we were well towards the back of Boondall.
Say hello to baby Clara.
Try and eat as much chocolate cake at a party as possible before being thwarted by the parental units.
Get swine flu - well, it was probably swine flu... (responded to Tamiflu)
Recover from swine flu
Watch Daddy get dressed up in a silly hat and gown, go up on stage and then come back down again. At least there were cake options available afterwards (and the blue of the Masters matched Daddy's and my eyes rather nicely).
Get up early every morning for the past few weeks to watch Tour de France highlights on the SBS website - and start planning another trip to France next year (BIG maybe)

To be continued

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