Tuesday, March 21

The hard yards....

Chest of drawers...
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Every nursery needs a chest of drawers. We happened to have some deep in the bowels of the unit block, hidden away so no-one could see that we once had country cottage style furniture. They were destined for needy or tasteless relatives, or in case no-one actually wanted them, the council kerb-side pickup...where they would have lasted a few hours before the scavenging suburban dwellers caught the wiff of freshly discarded furniture and turned up in their droves with trailers at the ready. But as preparing for the arrival of the newest member of the cook clan can be expensive, we decided that a splash of paint might just do the trick. After some hard work sanding, undercoating, spak filling the VJ grooves, more sanding, more spak filling etc.....you get the point, not to mention numerous trips to Bunnings (saugage sizzle included), we have finished up with a respectable piece of furniture. New handles and Sadie the squirrel drawer liners finished off the ensemble. Oh yes...try to ignore the lovely shade of green inside the cupboard.

1 comment:

Paul In London said...

Oh yes looks very smart... Who would have thought such a thoroughly modern couple started out as a couple of country classics???