Sunday, April 9


Originally uploaded by b boy.
Thanks to Paul going to live in London for the next......who knows how long.....we "borrowed" his bookshelves. They were unpainted MDF and lacked a little something. So in my painting frenzy involving the chest of drawers, I decided to make a few improvements to the bookshelves. Now they look just smashing and definately worthy of our nursery. Now we can spend some time and money filling it with books and the like. It is pretty empty at present but I am sure it won't take long for us to give the Visa a workout. If you click on the picture to enlarge it you can scroll the mouse over the image to get messages about the contents of the shelves.

1 comment:

Paul In London said...

Rest assured, even when I return, I will not want the bookshelves.

I would like to think I have moved past the unfinished untreated MDF phase of my life...

But boy do they look smart now!!