Friday, April 7

Hey there!

Hey there!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Today was the long awaited 12 week scan. This is the one that gives you an idea about things such as down syndrome and the like. Also the little one has grown somewhat since the 7 week scan and is starting to look more like a baby (or at least less like gnocchi). The complete DVD of the scan (directors cut) is quite exciting as the detail of everything is quite amazing (at least to our eyes). So at the end of the day we were quite relieved to find out that everything looked fine and our relative risk of downs went from 1:300 for Mel's age (she is getting old you know) to 1:6000 after the scan. Next landmark will be the 19 week scan on the 22nd of May for the final check that everything is in the right to speak (oh and probably find out the sex as well).


Anonymous said...

Great work guys- your new project will be fullfilling and exciting. Enjoy the ride!! Photo is amazing- loved the view of your uterus Mel, Mini cook looks like s/he is developing well. Take care and be happy- Love Peacocks

Paul In London said...

Yes love what you've done with the uterus...

Now after this photo though it doesn't look like noodles or gnocchi tho!