Saturday, May 6

Babar the Elephant!

Originally uploaded by b boy.
Mel tells me there is a good reason that there is a large grey elephant now roaming the house....(well at least A reason anyway, not necessarily a good one). She tells the story like this....Every day for a month when arriving at and leaving work she would take the lifts that happened to be opposite the ladies auxillary shop. Every day while making this trip there would be a big grey elephant staring at her from the wondow of the shop. It would seem to ignore everyone else and look longingly into her eyes. It would seem to be saying to her "free me from these less than adequate surroundings, I dream of a life far from here where I don't have to worry about being handled by careless customers with sticky hands and poor fashion sense". One day, that wasn't particularly any different from the other days that Mel made this trip, she hatched a plan to free her beloved fluffy elephant. Cunningly simple it involved nothing more trading an undisclosed sum of money (or so she tells me) for the freedom of the pesky pacaderm. Hence we now have Babar. I guess he is kind of he can stay!


Paul In London said...

Yeah he is kinda cute! But how big is he???

melinda said...

bigger than noodles will be when they are 40 weeks gestation...
well, just a little bit bigger

Paul In London said...

hey that's pretty big!