Thursday, May 11

Space V Cost

Pod 2
Originally uploaded by b boy.
The Pod has arrived!!
Now, you be the judge...
Should I be wearing socks with my slides from now on?

If you all say yes then maybe that will convince Mel we need the X3!


Paul In London said...

Why does your car have a tumor?? ;-)

Paul In London said...

Actually if you both plan to drive around town with that on your roof all the time you should be wearing socks with your sandals... :-D

Dr Ben Cook said...

Well, yes if I were to leave it on all the time I could see your point.....but rest assured that it is already off the roof and safely stored away until such a time that we need to go away with Noodles, Mel, pram, baby car seat, all of Mel's luggage (which is substantial), portacot, etc etc....and after said trip it will be once again removed for safe storing and sock free driving!