Monday, August 7

30 Weeks!

Today marks the 30 week mark of our extraordinary journey. We had a doctors visit and a growth and wellbeing scan to see how Noodles was shaping up. Our doctor was happy with how things were going and Mel seems to be contoling her chocolate cravings and thus her blood sugars have been respectable. No insulin yet! Woo Hoo! When we had our scan Noodles was his typical trouble making self and wouldn't remove his hand from in front of his face so we couldn't get a good view of his good looks. At one point he seemed to be gesturing towards the scanner as if asking the bus driver for "2 to the valley" please. Well he was trying to get some sleep I guess and we were prodding and poking him. At this point he is in the breech position and seems to like jumping up and down on Mel's bladder (I said he was a trouble maker). He seems to be fattening up nicely and has a belly circumference in the 98th percentile (takes after his father here)! The sonographer said she could actually see hair on his head (obviously doesn't take after his father here). Couldn't tell if it was a ginger though! When I get out of hospital on Wednesday I will put a photo from the scans on the blog. We will have another scan in 4 weeks.

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