Friday, November 3

Mmmm...Chocolate cake!

Mmmm...Chocolate cake!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Well, give him a few years at least - but he is getting there!

Grayson is 5 weeks old tomorrow. He looks rather sweet and innocent here, but I feel that the truth must be known - he has a secret sneaky streak.

The evidence
1. Whenever he is nursed by his mother, regardless of how she manages to protect herself (burp rags, nappies, waterproof body suit) he is guaranteed to vomit a small posset down her cleavage.
Every single freaking time...
And it is getting too hot for turtlenecks.
2. Whenever he is nursed by his father, particularly if aforementioned father is wearing "good clothes" and is about to go out, Grayson manages to wee on him. This is despite wearing nappies with nappy liners, having all the anatomy in the right place and making sure the leg bits are out.
That being said, these incidents usually occur after the mother unit has changed the nappy
3. He is starting to make what one could perceive are small smiles, which fills the receiver with warmth and joy, until their nostrils are filled with the wafting smell that can only occur after one's bowel has been colonised by gut bacteria

I rest my case

1 comment:

cheryl said...

Ah yes the warm yoghurty smelling possett between the breasts - I don't miss that at all - enjoy!