Thursday, March 8

Progress report from Grrrrrrrayson - 5 and a bit months

Bonjella Baby!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Hello again.

What the freak is that pain in my mouth? I've got something sharp and pointy coming out my lower gum and just because I get a bit grizzly about it the parental units try and smear THIS stuff (see photo) in my mouth.
I thought that guys are SUPPOSED to try and emote or something as part of their psycho-something development (or that's what it says on the women's channel)
Yeah well, mum and dad have been calling it a tooth. And they have tried to tell me that this is just the start of many many more. Hmmm. I am going to start looking at denture options...

On other news in tormenting the parents front, they measured me at 75cm today (I am just 5 months old) and then seemed to get a bit stressed that they may be breeding a giant. (Mother started doing google searches and was coming up with Marfan's disease)
Hee hee hee - I am just taking my growth hormones out for a spin! Daddy rang up one of his paediatrician friends who told him that there was nothing to worry about (yet).

Damn it, must work harder at parental stressing - maybe this teeth thing will work in my favour after all.

More news later


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