Wednesday, April 18

The Muffin Man speaks.... sort of

I am a mighty muffin man!
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Grayson C reporting in - well overdue I know - with more updates from the madness known as my family (someone has to do the blogging, and with the parental units back at work, I am trying to pull my weight)

We moved mid-late March from our comfortable surrounds into more comfortable surrounds (well, I keep hearing mum and dad going on and on about ducted air conditioning, miele gas and how much they love being back at Teneriffe). I was a bit disturbed at first, owing to a significant lack of buzzy bees and dotti stickers - the bee situation has somewhat improved but I have NO idea where my dots are. (If only I was mobile I could go looking).

As for the other upheavals in my life...
Mum had to go back to work.
Dad decided to go away for a few weeks (although I got to see him most days, I couldn't take him home with us - and mummy was kind of sad too)

Ok, I confess - I decompensated. I regressed. Not back to foetus-hood, but I may have gone back to waking up a few times in the night. Well, mummy must have been up at just the same time too as she kept coming in and giving me a cuddle or some hand holding action. I worked out if I did it often enough, she would take me into bed with her - mummy cuddles whenever I want! (I slept really well after this).
Then one Friday, Daddy came home and stayed. As there wasn't enough room in the bed for me, I decided to sleep through the night again. (after which I kept hearing mum say that I was being a potato-head. Must look up meaning of potato head in dictionary)

Other news? I am slowing down in the growth stakes, which is a great relief to the parental units - as they kept muttering about the effects of freezing and defrosting on DNA, I am trying to stand up (and yes am working on crawling/wiggling too - I am well aware of the developmental concerns of babies who don't crawl - BWAH!) and the three of us are enjoying the delights of living close to the river/parks/restaurants etc etc. Must convince the parents we need to live around here permanently.


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