Saturday, August 25

Grayson does manly things... with power tools and stuff

Doing manly things
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Grrrrrrayson reporting again from our currently RATHER messy home as Daddy has been trying to put together this big white box or something. Mummy was getting a bit excited as she kept muttering "..more storage space.."
What a funny mummy I seem to have...getting excited about a big white box
I was more interested in the power tools daddy had to use.
They made LOTS of noise and did all sorts of interesting stuff... but then daddy seemed to get a little bit frustrated by certain things not being where they should be (ok, I was trying to help out - I am nice like that) and he got REALLY mad when I started being extra helpful by pushing the white board over (I thought it needed to be a few extra millimetres to the right - I inherited this sort of particular-ness from the father unit). Mummy had to come over and separate the two of us.
Hmm. Nice plan to get your own way daddy. Two against one...
Boo grr hiss
Just wait until I get my OWN power tools.

In other news...
I helped mummy and daddy on their rounds today (making sure they made the right decisions in patient management and that sort of thing), visited Felix J, Cheryl and Greg for morning tea (ok, I may have pigged out a little - but they had CAKE) then came home to interview a potential nanny option. Felix was a bit sick so we didn't stay too long - get well soon buddy!


Saturday, August 18

Just call me.... Dr G

Plotting evil deeds
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Grayson reporting live again from Teneriffe - and what an exciting week it has been.
I finally got daddy to stay with us again for good (or so he says). For two weeks it was just me and the mother unit at Chez Cook and although she is quite soft and cuddly (because she STILL hasn't used those personal training sessions daddy and I got her for mother's day - HA), I miss my daddy morning tickles with his fuzzy face.
Mummy kept trying to tell me where he was but it really didn't make much sense to a nearly 11 month old. I was a bit concerned mummy might not stay with me too, so I stayed up for as long as I could each night until she went to bed...
Well, the first night Daddy came home I was SOOOOOO excited I couldn't sleep (much) - so it was rather early in the morning (about 3am) when I started clapping and making dadadadada sounds - a guaranteed hit in the parent department I have noted). This time, they didn't seem to be that appreciated, however I did get the Mika song sung to me by mummy, so I went back to sleep.
The NEXT night we got to sleep in a NEW BED!!! It is enormous - and I can really stretch out in it. Mummy and daddy give me lots of room by sleeping on the sides of the bed (which I really appreciate). I return the favour by grabbing their noses at about 6am, making a few mumumums and dadadadas and jump up and down on their tummies. I usually get a lot of cuddles after this - although sometimes it is prefaced by a "...its a sleep in day Grayson (groan)..."
Every night I have been able to watch these bright colourful lights fill the night sky. The parental units tell me they are fireworks - they are pretty noisy, but quite nice - and we can see them from our balcony too! Tonight is the last night apparently. Hmmm. Wonder what I can do to get them to be a regular fixture.
Finally, my hair is starting to grow back after a v v bad cut (don't look at my ears!!!) - I'm going to a real hairdresser next time.
I tried to get mummy and daddy to buy the chair in this photo but they balked at the price - I got a bit excited and may have deposited a little posset on the nice red covering. Mummy and daddy bundled me up and walked away rather quickly after that. I don't know why...

Or do I....

hee hee hee



Saturday, August 11

Enjoying a meal....

All done
Originally uploaded by b boy.
This is what happens when you let mummy feed the boy! Daddy couldn't bear to look. Grayson was enjoying himself. I have to say I often feel like this after a good meal (but hopefully don't look like this).

It has been awhile since the last entry but things have been a little hectic. I have been holidaying at the Chéz Mater for the last 2 weeks. We bought a new bed (king size) as Grayson insists on sleeping with us now (demanding little thing that he is). We signed a contract on a house in New Farm only to lose out to the other potential buyers who also signed a contract (obviously for more money). Oh well, will keep looking. And I have been trying to work out how to do the company accounts in MYOB (there is a reason I am a doctor and not an accountant!) Very frustrating exercise indeed.
Uncle Paul (or should that be Just...Paul) had his visit to Australia and has now returned to the Queen's homeland (QEII that is).

So you can see that there has been a lot happening. We will try to keep more updated next time.