Sunday, September 30

Grayson turns 1 (otherwise known as "The Party of the Summer")

Pirate ship cake
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Hello again, Grayson reporting from my pirate's den. I'm rather tired after an endless day of presents, cuddles, kisses, lots of squishey, lots of older women and LOTS of PIRATES.
Mummy and Daddy renamed my day of foetal emergence "Talk like a BABY pirate day!"
As you can see by exhibit A (photo) Daddy came through with the cake making stakes with an amazing pirate ship replica, complete with pirates, a jolly roger flag and lots of loot. The parent units also tried to go for the world record at squeezing a large number of people into our home.
And did I mention it was REALLY hot so we had to stay inside with the airconditioning on and everything?
Mummy and Daddy gave me a truck, a wooden walker and a spinning top. Nan and Gramps gave me a tricycle (with a bell and a flag, although I am going to replace the eurotrike one with my pirate flag and the Jenkins gave me an easel with chalk and a blackboard (I'm sure I can get up to a LOT of mischief with that!). I got lots more things from other people too, but don't have enough room to thank or list everyone.
So I am one now - this means more responsibilities for me (learning to walk, talk and do daddy's BAS so he isn't so stressed) and I need to maintain my youthful good looks so mummy and daddy still think I am the cutest baby ever (although I suspect they are a tad biased in this regard - not that this is a bad thing or anything!)

Please, disregard a rather embarassing photo the mother unit put up on flickr with me just wearing a nappy and shirt. I was getting into party mode!

I'm off to sleep now - a monster needs his rest!


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