Saturday, April 26

Grayson walking through the park

Water feature
Originally uploaded by b boy.
And dancing in the dark....

But more of that later.

Today, mummy and Paul took me for a bit of a walk around Le Marais. We stopped at this little shop on the way which had LOTS of toys and some nice French clothes. As I was giving mummy my best I'm CUTE look she bought me a small blue car AND a very smart blue jacket, which will be very useful when it rains.
Pity we live in a drought area

But it was still a very nice thought and I gave her a big cuddle as I like to show my appreciation (and butter her up for next time!)

We stopped by this museum which had all these colourful pipes outside. There were lots of people around and lots of cafes too. I was getting a bit sleepy so the next thing I knew we were sitting down and mummy and Paul looked like they were having lunch.


What did I do?


Hee hee hee. That got their attention. And I ended up with a very nice bottle of french squishey and some of mummy's lunch (rice with this beautiful sauce, and chicken, and..... AAAAH)

We went back to see how Daddy was going. Mick, Ailsa and Sophie had arrived by this time so we went out for a walk. Unsurprisingly this walk involved going to a bottle shop to look for champagne.
This is Daddy's thing at the moment.
Mummy is very supportive of Daddy in this quest - or at least she tries to be...
I suspect mummy would like to spend money on other things

Like clothes for me!

So as luck would have it, we went to a very nice french department store and had a lovely afternoon tea at the top of the building. This had a great view of Paris and LOTS of room for me to run around. Which I promptly did of course!

After wearing out mummy, daddy and Paul + demonstrating to Uncle Mick why he needs to appreciate the non-mobile baby state we went to a shop with lots of little people clothes!

I got a very nice pair of pants with matching vest - mummy says I will grow into these (well, with all this brioche I am eating, it won't be long). She couldn't help herself and bought me the matching jacket too!
Daddy just shook his head and went back to the bottle shop to buy the '96 Krug.

We said farewell to Sophie's family and walked back to our apartment via this lovely garden with lots of flowers and boats and a HUGE spider. I showed mummy, daddy and Paul how I like to jump into puddles of water.
This wasn't received with as much appreciation as I thought it would be...

Eventually we got back to our apartment - I was given some dinner and squishey and then bundled up so the bigger people could go out for their dinner.
I wasn't too impressed by being excluded from the big people's dinner so at the restaurant I ran up and down this really tight narrow staircase. Daddy and Uncle Paul took turns at accompanying me. Surprisingly the dinner seemed to be really quick - with NO dessert!

We got back to the apartment after stopping off for some ice-cream.

And then I FINALLY went to sleep


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