Sunday, April 27

Paris by night

Paris by night
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Well, I am telling this story second hand as by the time these photos were taken Daddy and I were sound asleep.
Yesterday was a bit of a quiet day for us monsters - I slept in until 9am

(mummy and daddy: YIPPEEEEE!)

Daddy was a bit worn out from all our gallivanting around so he and I had a nice long morning nap in between Paul and Mummy watching the muppet show and Hairspray...

Not too sure about that Hairspray thing Paul....

In the afternoon, we tried to find a place to eat - but everywhere seemed to be SHUT! Eventually we found a place that was open but they took AGES to serve us, so in the end mummy and daddy had a glass of champagne only and no food. Good thing smart sensible uncle stayed sober - well, I think he feels he has been getting enough practice in the champagne drinking stakes (apparently his champagne tolerance has gone up to TWO glasses)

Hee hee hee - I'm sure he didn't want me to tell anyone that.

Anyway, Mick Ailsa and Sophie came over and I got to show off my toys and demonstrate how high an 18 month old can reach. I then noticed mummy and daddy getting dressed up - hmmmm.
Daddy left. Then Paul....
And THEN Mummy!

Ailsa managed to distract me fairly quickly with a nice blue car and I must confess I promptly forgot about the parent units until they returned an hour or so later.

With Godiva chocolate dipped strawberries...

(Mick came back with some champagne and other food products but seriously, I was NOT paying attention to these)


I quickly grabbed one before the bigger people realised - and would have been able to eat a second in quick succession except mummy heard me eating too loudly (and I may have dropped a piece of chocolate onto the floor - which made a bit of a clunk)...
And to think mummy thought I wouldn't be interested as I don't like strawberries that much!


As it happened, I snuck another strawberry when the others weren't looking (and would have gone for the chocolate raspberry tarts but they seemed to snapped up pretty quickly)


Mummy and Ailsa went out to get some Thai take-out as the parents and Paul decided dinners out weren't such a good idea (was it something I said???)

Mummy arrived home to find a very sad daddy and slightly embarrassed Grayson. Well, I may have hit my head against the bedroom wall whilst Daddy was trying to put me off to sleep which hurt a LOT and I may have cried a bit and I may cried so much that I ended up vomiting all my dinner and that nice squishey over daddy and the bedsheets....

Bad Grayson...

Eventually I did get to sleep with Daddy while mummy and Paul went out to take some photos of Paris by night. That tower thing looks quite nice doesn't it. Must try and stay awake to see it tonight - but it is sometimes not that easy to do as the sun doesn't set until after 9pm here!

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