Sunday, July 2

Male "baby survival kit" .......

Male baby survival kit.......
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Continuing where Mel left off yesterday on the theme of "what was wrong with the Baby expo", then this photo is a prime example. It also goes a long towards explaining why I don't tend to drink this particular brand of beer (apart from the fact it tastes like *#@%). Even though I realise that this is meant to be humourous, I think it is probably too close to the truth for too many to make it funny. It just scares me!. Others will already be familiar with this kit as my understanding is that Greg and Cheryl got this as part of a "sample bag" from the hospital when Felix was born. So there is no escaping it really it would seem. Talk about the dumbing down of our society! Maybe I have been approaching this pregnancy all wrong......maybe I should just drink more crap beer to make me forget that I now have responsibilities and try to get out of doing as much as possible when it comes to looking after the baby, as quite clearly I have neither the interest or aptitude to help out and have better things to do such as watch more football on TV, and not that pansy soccer either just real football mate!


Anonymous said...

Do not worry about looking after noodles that is the nanny's job if she is not available one of the grandparents will do or maybe great grandparents......

melinda said...

yes, but cute brunette nannies just don't fall out of trees you know... And they need to be paid. Preferably with real money (not that chocolate coin stuff, which is probably all we will have left by the time he who is not yet named properly makes an appearance). Maybe the grandparents/great grandparents won't be able to cope with the little overactive spawn. Oh the drama!

melinda said...
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