Tuesday, September 11

Perth 07 day 3

Grayson greets kangaroo
Originally uploaded by b boy.
Busy is my middle name…
Grayson reporting again from Western Australia, and can I just say I am NOT enjoying the time differences. I get up at what I think is an appropriate time for holiday sleep ins (730am) only to find that it is FIVE thirty here and the sun isn’t even really up yet.
At least the parental units are good enough to attend to my needs at this time of the morning – nappy, squishey and cuddles!
Well, after a pleasant day yesterday getting acquainted with a slightly older woman (more cuddles!), one would wake up wondering what exciting adventures could happen to me today… Hmmm.
I got up at the usual hour but was coughing quite a bit and as a result may have been a bit grumpy. Mummy and daddy took me to a nearby doctor to get him to listen to my chest and stuff. I don’t want to talk about it… Just let me say that a deaf, blind and barely able to walk doctor wasn’t able to inspire a lot of confidence in any of us.
To cheer ourselves up we decided to go out to the Swan Valley for lunch and to check out the Caversham wildlife park where I got to pull a few animal ears, rattle a few cages and come to the realisation that pigs really don’t go “oink oink oink” (more like a really noisy SQUEEEEEEEEEEEAL). Why were there pigs in a wildlife park? Can’t really say (hey I am only 11 and a bit months) but there were also some goats, cows, donkeys AND camels.
Wasn’t too sure about the camels.
And the koalas smelt a bit funny too.
But it was nice spending the whole day with mummy and daddy again.
One nice warm bath and I am off to bed.



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