Monday, April 14

Grayson suffers from a bit of jetlag

Originally uploaded by Paul-in-London.
Oh for goodness sake. I am seriously the BEST toddler ever (well according to everyone seated around us on a very long plane flight to London - no screaming from me, lots of sleeps and I ate all my food) and ALL I want is SLEEEEEEEEP and instead the parental units drag me out to somewhere for lunch with my smart sensible uncle (who did me the courtesy of taking this bleeping photo of me at my not so best)
What is going on? It should be the middle of the night and instead the sky is blue and everyone is awake.
London is very very strange.

It got even stranger when I woke up at my usual hour this morning and instead of being greeted with a gentle light streaming through the windows it was PITCH BLACK and mummy said to go back to sleep as it was only 130am.

Egad. I never get up at 130am.
I promptly apologised and went back to sleep.

Then got up at 5am

Heh heh heh.

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